Almaftuchin - Protector | Protect Your Files! Documentation - Miftachul Huda Almaftuchin

Almaftuchin - Protector | Protect Your Files! Documentation

About Almaftuchin Protector

This free software is made to protect the files and folders from theft by a person not responsible as your friends. Folder in protection will require a password to open it, folders and files to be hidden, can only be displayed back using this software. In addition you can also lock your screen protector and can not be in the brain tweaking except to enter a password.

Splash Screen

This section will appear when you open Almaftuchin Protector for the first time for checking requrie files, checking update, and others.

Login Form

For first time you open this freeware, you must login to use this software and start protect your files and folders. Default username is Almaftuchin and password

Protector Home

After you login with your Username and Password, you will seeing this screen to start manage your files and folders.

Protect Folder

Select Protect Folder to start protection your folders include files inside. Choose Browse to select your folders. After choose your folder, select Hide to hide your folders include files inside. Then select Show button to showing it again.

Account Setting

In this section, you can manage account who can access this software, Edit User, Add New User, or Delete User.

Protection Setting

This section you will seeing setting like Hide/Show Desktop Icons and Hide/Show Taskbar. In addition you can lock your screen by right-clicking on the icon in the taskbar.

About This

This section showing about this software and other information for this software.
So what are you waiting for? Download it for free HERE

Demo Video